The 7 styles of Inayan Eskrima (IS3)
The Inayan System of Eskrima (IS3) is a system consisting of seven styles. These styles differ by their distances, concepts and types of weapons used. All in all practitioners of this system will become very versatile martial artists, able to adapt to all kinds of different scenarios.
Inayan System III Eskrima hast three core styles that cover the main distances:
- INAYAN KADENA DE MANO (short distance)
- INAYAN SERRADA (medium to short distance)
- INAYAN LARGO MANO (long distance)

Kadena De Mano translates to “chain of hand” and is a combination of empty-hand and knife/dagger techniques. It covers basic and advanced counters, basic and advanced hand and knife drills as well as permuted locks from the basic/advanced drills. Lock, flow, and trapping practice drills are stressed as well as subject control through the use of Pressure Sensitive Nerves Areas (PSNA).

Serrada translates to either “to close” or “close quarters”. The style is noted for using a shorter weapon, triangle footwork, and quick, linear, in-close fighting. This blade and stick style translates well into empty-hand applications and is the heart of IS3 Eskrima.

Largo Mano translates to “long hand” and is a long-range system of Eskrima. Evolved to use a longer/heavier weapon (~40″) and to use the stick as if it were a Kampilan (Filipino long sword) . This style is credited as being the first complete formal style to teach the use of the Kampilan.

Dequerdas is a medium range style of weaponry application that uses reinforced blocking with the off (or shield) hand supporting the weapon. It is a simple but effective method of defense that is easily taught and learned by students who do not have a lot of time to dedicate to the Filipino Martial Arts.

The theory of this stye of training can be employed at different ranges. The weapons can vary in length and can be inter-mixed. It is usually practiced with two weapons (sticks) of equal length. The Sinawali style is good for people who are starting out in the art of Eskrima since it is very easily taught to beginners. Although this style is easy to learn, it is not so easy to master.

The Inayan Sibat/Bankow style encompasses the long range method of fighting. This also means that these two styles use longer weapons than any of the other styles of Inayan Eskrima. Although block and counter techniques are used, the primary countering philosophy of these two styles is different from that of most shorter weapon styles.

This is a medium to close range style of Eskrima that focuses on an interrelationship between Sword and Dagger. This style is not recommended for beginners and is not seriously studied by IS3 students until they become proficient in the core styles of the system.